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Business in the Raw
EPIC Newsletters

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If we ended 2024 with a bang, you bet your booty we're going to start 2025 with an even bigger one;-)

The last couple of months/weeks have been a bit chaotic...with holidays, our end of year review, client end of year review, annual meetings, planning meetings, etc.

We, like most biz owners, seem to unravel a bit at the end of the year.

Between holidays, shopping, travel, visiting family, and then... year review, filing taxes, and trying to wrap up all of those unfinished 2024 goals....

It's exhausting!

But now we get a fresh start!

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When it comes to comparing our journey or our business to others, it’s crucial to keep perspective.

It can be so dangerous to our morale, our momentum, and to achieving our dreams.

When we have misaligned expectations or unrealistic standards we set ourselves up for frustration and feelings of defeat.

Imagine measuring a solo-preneur's success by the same metrics of a big corporation. It’s not a fair comparison and just doesn't make much sense!

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 In our last newsletter, we talked about breaking down barriers and making taboo topics less taboo.


When we first started running our coworking business, there were so many things we didn't dare talk about...

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The right collaborations can make all the difference.

Lately we've been talking a lot about embracing our true selves, striving to become the best versions of ourselves, defining our vision of success, and living an epic life!

While this involves a lot of personal reflection, it also includes the relationships we build.

We are social creatures, and for most of us, friends and peers significantly influence our 'epic life.'

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During our last few meetings there was definitely an air of blech.....defeatism? - a little whining - frustration - and just feeling kinda mucky. 

What the heck?!  That’s NOT like us at all.

Most things were going great; we were producing fulfilling content, having really rewarding client sessions, checking all the boxes, and working the plan. 

After many ah-has, we felt the smack of hypocrisy. 

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We are ending 2024 with a bang.... and our busiest 4th Quarter ever.

It's been a little bit exhausting and a LOT a bit rewarding! ;-)

This pic pretty much sums up our year...

We've spent a lot of time in the virtual world, which can be challenging, but we seem to make it work.

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When we started tackling taboo topics and talking about stuff that was uncomfortable...

we really needed to learn how to embrace that discomfort.

And, just because we did it once, doesn't mean we don't have to constantly work on moving out of our comfort zone.

Why is this so important?

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One of our goals, in our writing and programs, is to shine a light on the things that, when they are kept in the dark, keep us stuck in fear and inaction.

We like to pull the bedskirt up, look the 'monster under the bed' in the eye, and say.....BOO!

Why is it, as business owners, we experience most of the same 'taboos' and yet, we hardly ever talk about them? 

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It's been exactly a year since we made a HUGE transition to putting all of our energy into our coaching practice.

Here's what's been happening...

With every day, week, month, we have been getting more and more clear on...well, on so many things, like; how we want to work, how we want to spend our time, our big vision, and on every aspect and step on how to get there.

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We say this a lot: BE YOU.

In our last newsletter we talked about living your best life and defining success on your terms.  

And, that's true. It's actually a cornerstone of our mission... to help you reach YOUR version of SUCCESS because of who you are, not in spite of it, leveraging your strengths and embracing your individuality.

But here's the other part and one we should talk more about.....

There's a lot of talk about the importance of self-care, owning who you are, and prioritizing happiness over profit in the entrepreneurial world.


We are starting to define success more and more, as living our best life... finding our 'bliss.'

But here's the rub....

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Of all the things we do, this is the most rewarding.

In over 10 years of facilitating mastermind groups, we've seen women come together to share experiences, exchange ideas, forge strong friendships and mentorships, motivate each other, and be a light through some really rough and dark times.

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Drum Roll... It's finally here! Newsletter graphic cover

We are SO FREAKIN EXCITED to share with you our new website!

It's been a labor of love and practically took an army, but we did it! (lots of ideas, opinions, and so many things we wanted to do and share!)

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Remember how excited you were at the prospect of starting your pie in the sky dream?

But maybe now... you’re thinking you’re just freaking crazy for wanting it all.

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We recently made an epic announcement, diving head first into a new, transformative beginning...

Hello EPIC Friends!

We are excited to share some yummy bits!


We've had a good combination of time to recharge and regroup after closing 122

AND being inspired and motivated to focus on our next chapter.

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One of the most REWARDING things we do...

is facilitate group mastermind sessions

for passionate heart-centered business owners

that are ready to step into themselves & kickass success.   

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We started this Newsletter with the intention of sharing what was new and good.

But it just didn't feel quite right. 

So, we decided to talk about the elephant in the room...well, the world actually.

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Change Is Afoot Newsletter graphic

Reinvention can be a powerful catalyst for growth and helping you reach your happiest and most fulfilled self. We spoke to our own reinvention in this newsletter...

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